Welcome To The Alzheimer’s Solution

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Introducing BrainDefend®



A Personalized Body-Brain Health and
Renewal Program designed to protect
and optimize your cognitive health as you age. 


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Lose The Belly Fat And Save Your Brain From Shrinking

Lose The Belly Fat And Save Your Brain From Shrinking

The role of obesity in late-onset Alzheimer’s disease is linked to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and chronic inflammation pathways. Not surprisingly, the same cardiometabolic disease patterns are correlated to brain and hippocampal volumes (brain shrinkage).

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Save Your Brain - Save Your Memories - Save Your Life
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The Alzheimer’s Solution Revolution Podcast


Think Ahead for a Better Brain Tomorrow!

MEMBER ACCESS: PFAS—The Little-Known Forever Chemicals are Emerging as Dangerous Neurotoxicants

A host of environmental toxins pose a significant health risk to the integrity of your brain (neurotoxins). Neurotoxins are ubiquitous and your exposures to many of them may be passing under your radar. This is especially true of a family ...

MEMBER ACCESS: Mercury Depletes Glutathione Peroxidase-Toxic Mechanisms In Alzheimer’s Disease Risk

The research demonstrating the deleterious and toxic effects of mercury on brain function and structure in neurodegenerative disease processes is plentiful. Adding to the research literature, a May/2009 study demonstrated that methylmercury* induces neurotoxicity, by significantly inactivating one the brain's ...
Image courtesy of the National Institute on Aging/National Institutes of Health

MEMBER ACCESS: Oxidative Stress and the Thromboxane Receptor—A Central Pivot in the Production of Neurofibrillary Tangles

New research published Oct. 13 (2014) by the journal Neurobiology of Aging revealed that the free radicals* produced during oxidative stress in Alzheimer's disease (AD) bind to a protein receptor in the brain designated as the: Thromboxane Receptor A2 (TP) ...

MEMBER ACCESS: TREM2 genetic variants in Alzheimer’s disease

Two recently published studies (2013) on a rare variant of the TREM2 gene (triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2), designated as R47H, was shown to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals with the variant may be up ...
Close up of blueberries clustered together

MEMBER ACCESS: Blueberry Polyphenols Protect the Brain from the Degenerative Processes Associated with Brain Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

The study of plant and fruit polyphenols, a rich source of dietary antioxidants, represents one of the most promising areas of research in the field of anti-aging, and the prevention of degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's disease. Recent and ongoing ...

MEMBER ACCESS: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor—Growth Factors in Neurogenesis and the Protection Against Alzheimer’s Disease Progression

By Ralph Sanchez, MTCM, CNS, D.Hom. One of the longest held thoughts about damage to our brain's cells (neurons) was that once they're lost, it was a fait accompli. Diseased and dying neurons were once considered damaged goods, never to ...

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What a tremendous resource! Thank you for putting all of this great research in one place! I am also extremely interested in warding off a family history of Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Medicine can be so very powerful when we are able to identify the biochemical inefficiencies, apply specific dietary and nutritional remedies and compile a protocol to heal not just an individual, but generations. Thank you Ralph!

Tim Walsh LAc

This is an incredible article! Very powerful information! Thank you so much for putting it together the way that you have. This information needs to get out to the masses. You explained that very well.

Dr. Jones

Absolutely the BEST article I have read on the insulin/AD connection. As always, your brilliance is very much appreciated!

Kristin Rotblatt, L.Ac.

Thank you so much for this well written article. Looking forward to future updates. Thanks for this well illustrated, researched, and detailed yet succinct article.

Dr. Shah Roath


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